Escape the 9 to 5: How You Can Adopt this Lifestyle Today

Escape 9to5_NomadEveryday

Every day you are used to getting up for work. However, you certainly have drops of motivation that will make you want to escape the 9 to 5 to enjoy some free time.

Weekends are 2 days’ break to be able to regain strength to face the new week ahead.

But have you thought about escaping the 9 to 5 for good?

The last few years have been a real turning point for the world of work which has been turned upside down because of the COVID-19 that led to the arrival of new ways of working: remote work, digital nomadism, etc – which are the total opposite of the traditional 9 to 5.

But then, what does it mean?

Imagine a world where you can travel, explore, and discover new cultures while managing a remote job. It is today more accessible than ever.

Here’s how you can start to escape your 9 to 5. Pack your bags, and get ready for takeoff!

5 advice to escape your 9 to 5 job

Find the perfect flexible job

Escape your 9 to 5 routine job but do it with resources that will cover your daily expenses.

How to earn money when you’re not present every day in the same office, with the same colleagues, to do your job?

Let’s be honest, to escape the 9 to 5, there’s no secret formula, there are actually three ways:

  • Go into self-employment: Pick an online project. This requires a lot of discipline and a very specific managment of time.

    The goal is to have more freedom while gaining passive income online.
  • Becoming a freelancer: switching from being a full-time job employee to freelancing can be a very good solution to escape your 9 to 5.

    It allows you to work anywhere in the world as long as the internet connection is good.
  • Working remotely: if the status of employee reassures you and suits you a little more, it is quite possible to escape the 9 to 5 while being attached to a company.

    Negotiate your contract to be able to work remotly 100% of your time.

Manage your time differently

Transform your fixed schedule into a flexible one!

The good thing is that you can manage your time as you wish. The real challenge when you start a job without the 9 to 5 schedule is to not think you’re on vacation.

This implies having important self-discipline.

Once you are well organized and productive, the advantages linked to the possibility to have a schedule tailored to your lifestyle are unlimited.

You can enjoy life at your own pace and that’s the best part.

You don’t have to work 8 hours a day in an office.

Time passes differently when you manage your time as you wish.

Our productivity increases by ten times when you choose your own work environment. And that makes all the difference.

If your job takes you 3 hours, you are free to spend the rest of the day as you wish.

Remember, organize your schedule according to your productivity, and don’t forget to leave some time to explore the surroundings and enjoy your other activities.

After all, that is the main reason you chose his lifestyle right?

Have a good working environment

Yes, it has never been so exciting to get up and go to work when you can manage your time all you want!

In addition to the work discipline mentioned above, it is essential to have a well-defined work environment.

This is among the most important factors to be productive in your professional activity.

Choose hotels or accommodations with a table or a desk, a suitable workspace, an interesting luminosity, and a very good internet connection.

Also, take advantage of being in the city to find key places to work, such as cafes or coworking spaces.

Here are our tips to stay productive: Work from Home Routine: How to Stay Productive?

Be ready to go out of your comfort zone

Escaping the 9 to 5 is to get out of the usual routine thus of your comfort zone.

Your life is not necessarily dictated by a morning alarm clock that always rings at the same time.

Changing places and traveling have the advantage to allow you to experience new things and to wake up each day with a new vision.

When things don’t go as planned during your new adventure, develop the ability to adapt to new situations.

Get used to being uncomfortable and to owning the situation to make it comfortable.

It has the other advantage of allowing to live experiences that would be impossible to consider if you stay in your 9 to 5 job routine.

When arriving in a country, you have to acclimatize and find your marks.

Find good accommodation, test the places where to eat in the surroundings and of course, take advantage of the activities that you can do on the spot.

And if after a while, the routine settles down. Change your daily routine again.

If you travel, travel light

All the great travelers will give you this advice. It is even more relevant to travel light when you are a digital nomad.

Because, in addition to your personal belongings, you will have to travel with your mobile office: laptop, headset for video conferences, notebook…

So choose minimalism and travel as light as possible.

The advantages and disadvantages to escape your 9 to 5

Escaping your 9 to 5 will be challenging and worth it. Here are the pros and cons so you can be prepared if you choose this lifestyle.


  • Work from anywhere in the world
  • Choose your schedule
  • Live in cheap countries and increase your quality of life
  • Little money is needed to start
  • Become free and live a life of adventure
  • Create your own job and be independent
  • Open up to new personal and professional networks


  • The amount of work, you rarely count your hours
  • Dependence on equipment and wifi
  • Uncertainty about income from one month to the next
  • Sometimes a feeling of loneliness
  • Requires a strong discipline and motivation

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